Ozgurce hoplayip, ziplayan yunuslari izlemek varken, biz Istanbullular yunus havuzlarini protesto etmeyip ne yapalim? Yunuslar hemen her mevsim Bogazdalar, Mayis ve Eylul aylari yunuslari suruyle gormek icin ideal.
Bu bicir memelilerle bulusmak icin en elverisli yerler:
-karakoy-kadikoy vapuru
-Rumelihisarinda sabah yuruyusu
-Sariyer Goze Teras
-Galatasaray Adasi
-ve daha nereler, nereler..
Yunuslari daha da yakindan gormek icin per pazar Haydapasa'dan kalkan TUDAV (Turk Deniz Arastirmalari Vakfi) motoruna ailenizle, arkadaslarinizla atlayabilirsiniz. Gecen sene Temmuz ayinda TUDAV motoruyla cok keyifli bir gun gecirmistim, bu yaz kesin tekrar gidecegim. Bu motor her pazar Haydarpasa'dan kalkiyor ve sizi Bogaz'in yunuslarin ailecek takildigi koselerine goturuyor. Motoru kapatip, heyecaniniza hakim olup sessizce oynayan, ziplayan yunuslari izliyorsunuz. Bir sure sonra yunuslar urkup kaciyor, buyrun soguk sulara atlayip Bogaz'in tadini cikarma sirasi simdi bizde..
Tur ucreti 50TL, ogrenci 30 TL. Tur kar amacli degil, toplanan paralar deniz arastirmalari icin kullaniliyor. Istanbul'u neden sevdigimizi hatirlatan, bu Bogaz, doga ve farkindalik turunun en guzel tarafi da bu bence..
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The boat of TUHAV and my buddy Duru- TUHAV'in yunus teknesi uzerinde kankam Duru |
nasil mi oluyor, bkz ve bkz
We certainly do not need 'dolphinariums' anywhere on earth but particularly in Istanbul as we can enjoy watching dolphins jumping freely in and out of the water along the Bosphorus. They are mostly around from March to November but I heard that May and September are best months for meeting them in greater numbers.
Looking for good spots:
-Take the ferry between Karakoy-Kadikoy
-early morning walk along the Bosphorus nearby Rumeli Hisari
-Sariyer Goze Teras
-Galatasaray Adasi
-many many others
You may take the boat run by TUDAV (Turkish Marine Research Foundation) and join the Dolphin Watch Tour with friends and family. I really enjoyed the tour last July and I am definitely going again this summer. The boat takes you to special parts of the Bosphorus where dolphin families hunt while kids play around. After you get there, the engine will stop, not to scare them off. Be quite (though it is difficult not to get excited) and enjoy watching these smiley creatures enjoying the cold waters in and out, in and out.
It is inevitable that they will drift away after they feel the existence of uninvited guests. Then, it is time for humans to jump in. Beware, the water can be icy cold!
The tour costs 50TL, discounts for children and students are available. The profit goes to marine research and the experience is totally worth it. It is a journey of Bosphorus, nature and awareness, all at once.
for further questions click and click
Close down the dolphin parks, lovely poster by Tasarimci Baykus
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